Best built Magnetic Tumbler 39-006

• Best Built magnetic Tunblers • Powerful DC Motors • Direct Drive • Auto Shut Off • 60 Minute Timer • Heavy Duty Bowls • 100 Volts • One Year Warranty on Tumblers * With speed control * 50-100 Ring * Bowl Diameter 7-7/8" * 300 Watts * 70 lbs |

Best Built Tumblers : Magnetic tumblers are designed to save hours of intense labor in creating a polished surface, particularly on hard to reach crevices. Magnetic tumblers are ideal for pre-finishing raw castings, although they will not deliver a final polish. Instructions:
1. Remove lid and add the full contents of the magnetic shot provided.
2. Add water to the halfway point of the bowl.
3. Add a tablespoon of burnishing soap or magnetic tumbling compound.
4. Insert your pieces and set the timer.
5. Replace lid and turn on unit.
6. When timer reaches zero a bell will sound indicating the cycle is complete.
Use Caution:
Heavy duty magnetics and metallic pins are used to create the wave effect in the bowl. This will raise the temperature of the bowl as well as the water, pins, and contents therein. A 30 minute cycle should be sufficient for all jobs. Running a cycle for the full 60 minute timer can cause the bowl to overheat. Overheating will damage the bowl and while the bowl is designed to wear over time, overheating will greatly reduce the life of the bowl. After each cycle always use fresh water, rinsing the bowl and shot with cool water after each 30-35 minute cycle, to extend the life of the bowl.
A Few Pointers:
• For casting pieces: run about 20-25 minutes
• For scrap jewelry, run for about 10-15 minutes
• DO NOT run tumbler more than 30 minutes continuously, allow to cool
• Rinse and remove the lid to help the bowl cool after each cycle
• Mixing different sized shot can increase effectiveness, however, never use more mixed shot than would be in a single size shot container
• Remove the bowl from machine when not in use to help prevent the pins from becoming magnetized
Note: Though the bowl is made from a heavy duty plastic, it will wear over time and need to be replaced through normal wear and tear. Bowls will not be warrantied over 30 days and then only under use of the above instructions for 30 minute cycles.